Sunday, January 11, 2009

Another Sunday

Not much happening around here today. I thought I may finally take the Christmas tree down. Actually, all I can do is undecorate it. It is 9 feet tall and beyond heavy. Mike will have to take it down when he returns from Utah. It has snowed for the last couple of days and the county street sanders didn't hook us up for whatever reason. After bowling yesterday, I turned into our neighborhood and began a spin/slide combo toward the ditch. I remained very calm and decided to do as Carrie Underwood sings about and let "Jesus Take The Wheel". Fortunately the front of my van entered the ditch and not the side because I am 100% sure we would've rolled. I decided to drive through the field and came out on the low part. That got my heartbeat jumping for about a half an hour. Does that count as cardio?? haha

When Mike is gone, Littlest believes that it is her duty to sleep with me. It always amazes me that my 8 year old little girl takes up more space than my rather large husband. Anyway, last night my friend Jena kept the little 2 overnight. YAY!! I woke up in a panic this morning when Littlest wasn't in bed with me.

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