Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby Marley

Last night I got to experience one of the greatest pleasures in my life. Giving birth without any pain. My friend's daughter--My "bonus" daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I was able to help her with the delivery and cut the cord. I wasn't planning on the birth being yesterday so I didn't have my camera with me, but will be getting some pics later today. Marley Jade weighed in at 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 19 inches long. She arrived at 9:51pm and I was there for her first burp at 11:08pm. She is really lovely and when spoken to stops fussing and looks at you. She remembers our voices for sure!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Mouse in the House--EEK!

About 2 weeks ago, Middlest was playing in the basement with Littlest and Jena's girl. I heard a terrified scream and then some stumbling up the stairs. Apparently, Middlest saw a mouse running along the top of the couch and she shouted to her sister and Jena's girl that there was a mouse on the couch. We were shocked when Littlest and Jena's girl never came upstairs. I am so far beyond afraid of mice, that I was already packing our stuff for the hotel. Mike went down there and discovered the girls standing on the couch. They thought Middlest said get on the couch!
So we went to Wal-Mart and bought 12 glue traps and put them all around the basement. We never did catch anything, but Oldest said that there was a smell. I finally began sleeping again when the smell appeared. (After one night in the hotel, we had to come home.)
Middlest decided that her room in the basement was no longer desirable, so she has moved upstairs to the office. My computer is now in the basement, which is why I haven't blogged.
So, on Halloween night Oldest and her boyfriend were in the basement watching scarry movies and Paige noticed that there was a horrible smell. She looked up and there was that mouse--dead and hanging on the back of the couch.
Well, of course, I think we need to buy a new couch........