Friday, August 22, 2008

Middlest & Littlest have oral surgery :(

Today was the day we've been dreading for some time now. The two younger kids had to have small oral surgery procedures done. Littlest had to take valium 1 hour before the appt. time to keep her relaxed. She was less nervous than middlest even before the valium. Hmmmm???!!!

Middlest went first, due to her anxiety. They did sealants on her permanent molars (I highly recommend for all kids!!) and then they used a laser to remove the tissue between her front two teeth. It was prominent and was keeping her teeth apart. All of this was likely exacerbated by middlest's thumbsucking until approx. age 5. She did quite well and we were proud of her. Next was littlest's turn.... She had 3 baby teeth pulled to make room for her permanent teeth. She had 3 cavities treated. Two with fillings and one with a stainless steel crown. Our previous dentist had never been successful at getting radiographs on her, so her cavities were kinda deep. She became ill from either the gas or the valium and vomited. She was pretty upset about that!

After getting them settled in at home and after the anesthetic wore off, they both proceeded to eat everything they could get their hands on. (Popsicles, ice cream, pudding, chicken nuggets & jello) They hadn't eaten since last night and were "STARVING TO DEATH"

1 comment: said...

oh my, it sounds painful. jeez. I hope you two are all better now. I would have cried and vomited.