Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'm a single mom again this week

Hello! Mike is in Minnesota for work all this week, so I have been working every day except Wednesday, which was filled with appointments for The Oldest and our cat, Bella. I am soooo glad that I have my Oldest. She watches the other two whenever I work. The Youngest has a birthday coming up on the 18th. We will be having a carnival theme 8th birthday party on the 16th. Hopefully the weather will be ok. It seems to always rain on her birthday. Our friend is having a birthday party on the 9th, so we will go and enjoy some couple fun there. Happy 41st to Skip!!! The oldest will be 16th on September 5th. She already has a car, but is nervous to drive and still needs to take drivers ed. Mike will be gone again from the 20th-Sept. 1st. OH JOY!! The kids will be starting school on the 25th, so I am anxious for that. They really are starting to climb the wall. Tomorrow is my honorary daughter's birthday. She will be 17!!!! Happy Birthday to you!!!! She is soooo much like me it is wierd. Her mom and I have been friends since growing up next door to each other in the mid-70s.

1 comment: said...

isn't the single life just great! T is having fun on her Bday trip to IC. hope you guys had fun last night. talk to ya soon. your oldest friend. er wait, your oldest youngest friend.