These are some fun pics with Pinkie.
She seems to be enjoying her new home except for the bath and the dress. The bath is a necessary evil, as she is a digger. The dress was only on long enough for some pics and then promptly removed.
She is doing very well at night. She sleeps through although she is quite an early riser. Fortunately, Oldest and Middlest are also early risers. She loves her Iams food and really adores the treats she earns. She has had some accidents in the house, but she is doing very well overall. Pinkie is interested in Bella, but Bella just wishes she would disappear I'm sure.
One night last week, Bella chased her to the basement, with 3 kids running after them, and had her boxed into a corner. We (the humans) have been waaaay more upset about this dog and cat war than they have. I am hoping and praying that they will end up being friends someday soon.
Pinkie also loves to nap with her sisters.